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Chapter 11: Understanding Half-body

-Rodokiausu's side- For the past few days, I've casually been letting my mind wander and it makes me feel quite annoyed. Co was in an absoulutely great mood. I didn't have to go to work today because I had been called by his majesty. Since I didn't take a walk around the castle, it's only noon. I will try to do some work after lunch. I thought about relaxing with Co, but because I am beside him, there's no reason to. "Meal" "Of course.  Eat" (AZ: I'm not sure the true meaning for ひゃい, personally I thought it was hurray but idk) I decided to walk today and, as usual, I picked Co up and headed to the barracks. Co is walking next to me without minding that I don't pick him up. (AZ: These last two lines are strange, did you pick him up or not??) "Walk. Town. With." Co walked while saying such things. It's because he looks happy as he gathers information from the surrounding area. When I'm beast